Diabetic Foot Care
Take care of your feet and keep doing what you love. In a diabetic foot you may notice a loss of sensation in the feet caused by damage to the nervous system. This can lead to unnoticed wounds or injuries in the foot, which can consequently lead to infections and potentially serious complications.
With your podiatrist you can monitor and regulate:
· Blood flow to the feet (circulation)
· Feeling and reflexes (nerves)
· Unusual foot shapes (including bunions, claw toes and hammer toes)
· Toe nail pathology
· Dryness, callouses, corns, cracks or infections.
See your podiatrist or doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:
· Numbness
· Coldness of the legs
· Tingling or pins and needles sensation in the feet
· Burning pains in the legs and feet, usually more noticeable in bed at night.
Seek your podiatrist’s help to remove callouses or corns before they become ulcers as these can become infected, risking amputation.
In addition to regular checks ups with a podiatrist you should also wash, dry and check your feet every day. Check for redness, swelling, cuts, pus discharge, splinters or blisters. Be especially careful to look between toes, around your heels and nail edges. Cut your toenails straight across and not into the corners. Moisturise your feet daily to avoid dry skin and never use over the counter corn plasters.